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Racket Club is a Danish chain of padel centers that offers facilities for both beginners and experienced players. 

They have several centers in Copenhagen and the surrounding area, which offer both indoor and outdoor courts.


  • Automation of the Opportunity-to-Cash process
  • Electronic contract management with DocuSign
  • Professional deliveries with Milestone PM+ strengthen the club's services
  • Unidirectional sales process regardless of product and center on one central platform
  • Improved insight into the business via reports and dashboards.

The sport of padel is rapidly growing momentum in Denmark, and many centers and courts are being built to accommodate this demand. As a result, Racket Club is also experiencing growth - and they have grand ambitions to grow and increase their reach across Denmark. With seven centers already in operation, Racket Club is on a path of continuous growth, adding more centers to its network.

The club's centers are managed by local center managers. These are supported by a competent administration, made up of specialists in marketing, community building, brand activation, sponsor management, project management, construction and operational management.

​​At the start of 2024, Racket Club reached out to Corpital. The club had just hired a new Chief Commercial Officer, Mikael Thomas, to streamline the club commercially. Racket Club wanted to elevate the club by raising and aligning their services to business customers, sponsors and members.

On the IT front, Racket Club wanted to create a more efficient and straightforward IT infrastructure, addressing any issues that had arisen during the club's development.


Love the out-of-the-box functionality in Sales Cloud

Racket Club used many different tools to run it's activities. The various tools were not compatible with each other, which prevented it from forming a complete overview of for example agreements, sponsorships, members and centers. 

Mikael, with his extensive experience in using Salesforce from previous roles, recognised that Salesforce would be the ideal platform to consolidate the data from each center, local Excel sheets, mailboxes and employees’ knowledge.

"It's no secret that I love Salesforce and I've previously enjoyed the out-of-the-box functionality in Sales Cloud. It was natural for me to bring Corpital with me on the journey, because we know each other well and they are very straightforward in their approach to task solving", Mikael Thomas, Chief Commercial Officer, Racket Club.

Billede fra Racket Club

Automating Opportunity-to-Cash

A lead or opportunity is created in Salesforce when a new or potential business customer shows interest. A traditional sales process is then followed from here until an agreement is concluded.

When an agreement is finalized, the following happens automatically:

  • A contract is created based on the agreement entered into.
  • Incorporating the specific details of the agreement, the respective orders are generated.
  • The orders are then sent to the relevant departments for invoicing.

Mikael Thomas: "We have used the standard functions in Sales Cloud, such as Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Products, Contracts and Orders as a foundation and have then created some custom flows to automate parts of the process and ensure data integrity."

The advantages of this process:

  • Salesforce provides a total overview of the expected cash flow based on the start and end dates of the agreements entered into
  • Custom flows ensure that all necessary data is automatically created correctly based on predefined criteria
  • The process minimizes manual entries and errors.
Billede fra Racket Club

Electronic contract management with DocuSign

The contract management process has also been simplified and automated. Docusign is now integrated into the sales process to electronically finalise agreements. All communication relating to the conclusion of the contract is consistently collected and registered in Sales Cloud, offering a comprehensive view of the process.

The automation provided by Docusign ensures that relevant contract data is automatically maintained in Salesforce when entering into new agreements and renewals. The seller only has to ensure that the agreement is signed - then the order is automatically produced.

Salesforce Activity Capture is utilised to log Tasks, Events, and E-mails, and the third-party product Docusign is used for the electronic signature process.

Billede fra Racket Club

Integrated project management strengthens the club's services

When an agreement is concluded, structured project management is often required to ensure that the order is completed within the agreed timeframes and budgets. 

Racket Club has, therefore, included the add-on product Milestones PM Plus to the Salesforce solution.

A project can, for example, relate to a company event. Before the customer event is held, a number of sub-tasks must be carried out. This may involve booking courses, planning catering, sending a welcome email and conducting surveys after the event.

To optimize the process, everytime an agreement in Salesforce is confirmed, a new project is automatically generated in Milestones PM Plus. It routinely captures the specific criteria and choices defined in the associated Opportunity section and ensures that the project is set up with the correct milestones and tasks from the start.

This same automation is also used with sponsorships, where a project is also created with a number of tasks such as producing a banner with a logo, involvement of external partners, etc.

Billede fra Racket Club


With Salesforce, Racket Club's management has gained a real-time overview of the total business, which enables them to make informed decisions.

With a few clicks, employees across the centers can now create an overview of company customers and sponsors, and drill down into the details if necessary. This has, among other things, made it much easier to collaborate on, for example, company agreements and sponsorships.

Daily operations related to projects have been streamlined. This has given the club's business customers and sponsors a more professional delivery and, therefore, greater satisfaction, which makes future additional sales more likely.

  • Overall overview: The individual account system provides a 360-degree overview of each collaboration partner's commitment across all the centers ensuring efficient and effective management
  • Real-time reporting: Real-time reporting and dashboards for leads, opportunities, and orders support data-driven decision-making for both management and sales teams
  • One data truth: The many Excel sheets and "employee-created systems” previously used to manage sales opportunities, contracts and orders are now gathered centrally in Salesforce.

“Now we are able to make action-based decisions in real time, which affects the club's development in countless ways. We experience higher efficiency, increased service and optimal experiences for our members”, Mikael Thomas, Chief Commercial Officer, Racket Club ends.

Billede fra Racket Club

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Sune Schlott
Founder & CEO

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