How we protect data
We take the following precautions to ensure that your data is kept confidential and that data integrity is maintained:
- All employees of Corpital have signed a declaration of confidentiality upon their employment
- We only use hosting partners that are ISAE 3402-II approved
- We only use market-leading vendors such as Google Workspace (Mail), (CRM) and Microsoft (ERP)
- If Corpital uses external consultants to support our business, we ensure that they are subject to contractual obligations, including compliance with applicable law, and that they maintain the security and privacy of the client data to which they have access.
We do not share data with others than the suppliers described above and we do not pass on data to others without your consent. In other words, we only share your information with others to the extent necessary for us to provide our services to you.

Data Processor Agreement?
Corpital's primary deliveries are consulting, coding and configuration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Salesforce. Thus, Corpital is basically not a data processor and there is therefore no need for a data processor agreement between us.
Put another way: just because you have access to personal information does not necessarily mean you have to have a data processor agreement. If this was the case, you would have to enter into a data processor agreement with all business contacts, as you usually exchange contact information and other necessary personal information.

Trust through transparency
All work in Corpital is based on the fact that a case has been created in our case system. By classifying the case in our case system, you give Corpital permission to process the information in question. Then we work according to your instructions in order to provide the service needed from us.
The data classification is based on best practices from Danish Industry (Dansk Industri) and the Danish Digitization Agency Digitaliseringstyrelsen.
If necessary, Corpital will of course sign a data processor agreement based on the Danish Data Protection Agency's template, which we can use.

Legal notice regarding this website
In addition to current Danish law, the following conditions apply to the use of this website.
This website or parts thereof may not be used for further distribution or other publication without the written consent of Corpital.
Corpital disclaims any claim for damages as a result of using this website, it also includes any damage to programs and equipment as a result of a virus infection.
Corpital reserves the right to request that links to this website can be removed immediately. The websites linked to Corpital's website via link are not under Corpital's control and Corpital is not responsible for the content of such websites or responsible for any link contained on such websites.
Use of this website is at the user's own risk, and Corpital assumes no responsibility for the use of the information.

Download documents here
The legal content on Corpital’s homepage is completed in a Danish original and an English translation.
In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Danish version shall take precedence.
Do you have questions about the Corpital’s legal framework?